The initial minutes of a business meeting in France are commonly used to go over the pre-established agenda. Small talk during meetings isn't common, especially when the counterparts are meeting for the first time. Therefore, it's important to focus on the subject matter of the deal and not bring up personal matters such as family.Business intentions should be directly and clearly stated. It is common for the French to pay attention to detail, so it is advised to have a carefully constructed proposal and to be prepared for numerous direct and detailed questions. When the French begin repeating their viewpoints that usually means they will not change their position. A way of persuading them to do so is through the use of logical reasoning, given that hard sell techniques or hard bargaining tend not to work. Also, since agreements tend to take a long time to be reached, longer negotiations can indicate a higher chance of success.
Meetings are generally conducted in French, unless both parts have previously agreed to do it in English. Therefore, if needed, an interpreter should be arranged some weeks in advance. All presentation material should be bilingual, and it is advised to include some French references, as that would be considered a plus. When meeting and discussing business in France, it is recommended that you lower your voice and behave in a formal way. It is common to interrupt people before they have finished what they were saying, and it might imply that you are interested in what is being said. Humour in meetings is accepted, but it can easily be misinterpreted, so caution is recommended. Also, when making a joke it is important to keep in mind that the French tend to be amused by intellectual jokes, irony and real life funny situations.
Even though formal surroundings are considered more appropriate for meetings, business meals are common practice - but they tend to be less formal. They are usually conducted in restaurants rather than cafes or bars. Lunch and dinner meetings are particularly popular during the initial phase of negotiations. Because of the long term approach in business relationship building, business meals tend to be a way of developing a more personal relationship between counterparts, as well as a way of conducting a more open and less formal business discussion. Additionally, business lunches are not considered appropriate for spouses, but they can attend business dinners. It is also important to note that the person who extends the invitation for a meal is expected to pay for everybody.